Today one maths group were outside measuring and comparing. Here are some photos of them using non-standard units to measure in.
Monday, March 22, 2021
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Solving Perimeter of Classroom items
Measurement today was very hands on. We worked out tips for measuring which included using the same materials and not having gaps. Myles made his own special tip chart.
Saturday, March 13, 2021
The Birds Come to School
Big thank you to Sarah Ward for bringing in some of her birds for the junior school. We enjoyed looking at their wings, beaks and claws up really close. Some even got to stroke the kereru (wood pigeon).
Then Eva thanked Sarah on behalf of all the juniors. She informed Sarah which were her favourite birds and we all clapped to show our appreciation of looking at the birds close up.
Bird Houses
We loved making up some kits that Mrs Watson bought. There were 2 bird feeders, a wind chime and a windmill.
Soon we will design our own bird feeders and will be on the hunt for materials to build with from home. If you have any plywood, clean containers or beads that you could donate please send them to class.
Room 3 rocking maths
In maths we are working in groups to unpack a maths word problem. We have to work out if we are adding, subtracting or multiplying the key numbers in the problem.
Everyone loves showing the other groups how they solved the problem.
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Where are the Birds?
Last week we began our study of birds. We tried to look for birds in the playground and even tried to be very quiet. But sadly we didn't see any, so it was back into class to search some common birds on the ipads.
Eventually will be designing bird feeders and finding out what food or seeds birds like best. During our bird observations a sparrow flew into our room. It hit the window hard. Mrs Watson, our teacher, carefully took it outside but we weren't sure if it would live.
Luckily it recovered, did a poop and flew away. Mrs Watson was really impressed that everyone after just one session of researching birds knew what type of bird it was.
If anyone has different types of birds they could bring in to show us and tell us what you feed your bird we would be very excited.
Squeals of joy and laughter could be heard from all activities run for Gumboot Day. We had "Toss the Gumboot", "Target Pract...
For our final zoom in Week 6, we brought something to share. I shared my Christmas tree and the fact that on Saturday there would only be 16...
One of our reading follow up activities is create a cartoon based on the story that has been read in a guided reading lesson. To practice ...